Step Up Step Down
Family Support Foster Carer
The family support foster carers (FSFCs) mentor their families and offer short breaks for children, offering stability and giving parents time to address their challenges with support. They provide feedback on their involvement with the families during review meetings.
The FSFCs could be experienced foster carers within the service who want to develop their skills and explore a new opportunity within fostering. Alternatively, they can be recruited specifically to this role in SUSD but must gain approval prior to commencing in the role. Is it imperative that the FSFCs have the skills and commitment to working with both parents and children as part of the SUSD programme. A role description for the FSFC is included in this pack.
Role and Responsibilities
The key aspects of the role are to
The Family Support Foster Carer will be required to record details of the support provided, sharing with the supervising social worker as appropriate. During weeks that the FSFC has attend a review or support meeting for a family, they will not be required to complete another mentoring session with that family.
Working with parents and families
Families are referred to Step Up Step Down by their social worker. The scheme is voluntary, and families are empowered to decide whether they want the support. SUSD support has 4 primary aspects:
SUSD Mentoring Sessions are based upon areas of identified need. These are decided through the referral process and the initial planning meeting and are reviewed every three months throughout the duration of SUSD support. The key areas of support are: Routines, Budgeting, Healthy Living, Mental and Physical Wellbeing, Behaviour Management, Access to supports, Family Relationships, Dealing with Crisis Situations, Play and Stimulation.
The FSFC will also be required to give updates and share progress at review meetings. Information required will be:
Support for the Family Support Foster Carer
Personal development and self-care is important, as we know that the best supporters are well supported themselves. There are several ways that SUSD will support the FSFCs.
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